ServiceStack.Blazor Components Gallery

ServiceStack.Blazor Components gives you the ideal development workflow without compromise. Effortless, highly productive, API integrated Rich Blazor UI Components with 100% Server model reuse and integrated contextual validation

Optimal Developer Workflow
for Blazor CRUD Apps

Learn how to easily create feature-rich Blazor CRUD Web Apps with ServiceStack.Blazor

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Everything you need to develop Blazor Tailwind Apps

ServiceStack’s Blazor Tailwind templates improves on the standard Blazor development model with a number of compelling features

Blazor Components

Highly themable Tailwind Rich UI Component library supporting declarative customizations & API integrated contextual declarative validation

Shared Models

100% code reuse of server DTOs enables end-to-end typed APIs, instantly available in Blazor's live reload

Static Page Generation

Integrated hands-free pre-rendering solution generated at deployment enables instant load times, great UX and invaluable SEO

Markdown Content

Integrated Markdown support for easy creation of beautiful typography pages, transparently pre-rendered for great UX and SEO

Beautiful Tailwind

Create beautiful, responsive Tailwind Blazor Apps with access to comprehensive commercial & community components

GitHub Actions

Deploy straight from GitHub Actions with built in workflows. Optionally deploy decoupled static UI to CDN for max performance

Creating Beautiful Blazor Apps
with Tailwind

Preview the highly productive development model of the new Blazor Tailwind template showing how easy it is to utilize beautifully designed components

Northwind Logo

Blazor WASM Tailwind Template

The feature-rich Blazor WASM Tailwind template us ideal for teams with strong C# skills building Line Of Business (LOB) applications who prefer utilizing Tailwind's modern utility-first CSS design system to create beautiful, instant-loading Blazor WASM Apps.

Tailwind Components

Tailwind has quickly become the best modern CSS framework for creating scalable, mobile-first responsive websites built upon a beautiful expert-crafted constraint-based Design System that enables effortless reuse of a growing suite of Free Community and professionally-designed Tailwind UI Component Libraries , invaluable for quickly creating beautiful websites.

Loads instantly with great SEO

All Blazor WASM templates incorporate prerendering to achieve their instant load times that greatly benefits the built-in markdown pages with great SEO

Pre-rendering works by replacing the Blazor WASM loading page with an equivalent looking HTML page dynamically generated in JavaScript which renders the same Blazor App's Chrome using the shared navigation defined in JavaScript to render the App's Top & Sidebar navigation.

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Blazor Server Template

The Blazor Server template provides an amazing developer and end-user experience that's ideal for Intranet environments where it offers unmatched UI responsiveness.

Rapidly develop rich web apps

Locode lets you rapidly develop beautiful database-powered Web Apps, from an Instant UI around existing database-first RDBMS tables for rapid prototyping, export into declarative code-first development model with unprecedented customizability, on top of industrial strength APIs offering a superior end-to-end typed development model for Web, Mobile & Desktop Apps.

Blazor in the front,
Locode at back

Shorten time to ship by using Blazor WASM to create great looking custom UIs and Locode's Instant UI for managing back office RDBMS tables

Reuse typed APIs in Optimized UIs

Locode's declarative dev model lets you focus on your new App's business requirements where its data model, API capabilities, input validation & multi-user Auth restrictions can be defined simply using annotated C# POCOs.
This provides immense value at the start of the development cycle where functional prototypes can be quickly iterated to gather business requirements

Once requirements have been solidified, the typed AutoQuery APIs can easily be reused to develop custom UIs to optimize important workflows.

Talent Blazor is a new App showcasing an example of this where its entire back-office functionality can be managed through Locode whilst an optimized Blazor WASM App is created to optimize its unique workflow requirements which also benefits from the superior productive dev model of its Typed APIs

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Talent Blazor WASM & Locode App

Talent Blazor is a Blazor WASM App built around a HR's unique workflow for processing Job Applications from initial Application, through to Phone Screening and Interviews by multiple employees, capturing relevant feedback at each application event, with successful Applicants awarded the Job

It's co-developed & deployed with a customized Locode App that manages all other CRUD Database Access